This blog is for second year Law and Political Science students in Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi.
In it, you will find a daily update on the class calendar, homework, indoor and outdoor events.
We also advise you to regularly have a look at our timetable on the board located by the Head of Department's office "Ground Floor"

lundi 8 octobre 2012

Informations cours de langue

Chères étudiantes, Chers étudiants,

Je vous prie de trouver ci-joint un document détaillant notamment les règles d’assiduité et les modalités d’évaluation pour les cours d’anglais.

Je vous rappelle que l’achat du livre d’anglais est obligatoire. Un représentant de la librairie sera présent à Paris Sorbonne Abu Dhabi mardi 9 octobre, de 15h à 17h30, à proximité des salles de cours.

Les étudiants qui ne sont pas encore inscrits en cours de langue doivent se présenter dans la semaine auprès du Dr. Nouha Thomières.

Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi
English Option Classes

Dear student,

Welcome to Semester 1 of 2012-2013 for English Option classes! Here is some important information about your class:

To start in the English Option class you will need to take the placement test which will be held at PSUAD in Week 1 on: Tuesday 18th September 15:00 – 18:00, Wednesday 19th September 15:00 – 18:00.

‘I’m a new student’ You will need to take a placement test at one of the above times. You will be placed in a level according to your result and will not be allowed to join an English Option class if you haven’t taken the test in Week 1.

‘When is my class?’ English Option classes are once a week for 2 hours as follows:

Class name
Elementary (Low)
New Cutting Edge Elementary Students’ Book
(Pearson Longman)
Elementary (High)
Pre-Intermediate A
New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate Students’ Book
(Pearson Longman)
Pre-Intermediate B
Intermediate A
New Cutting Edge Intermediate Student’s Book
(Pearson Longman)
Intermediate B
Upper-Intermediate A
New Cutting Edge Upper-Intermediate Students’ Book
(Pearson Longman)
Upper-Intermediate B
Advanced A
New Cutting Edge Advanced  Students’ Book
(Pearson Longman)
(Classes A and B are the same level)

‘But I have another class at that time’ There are over 150 students taking an English Option class, so finding a time that suits all isn’t easy. If you cannot come to the class you have been placed in, please contact the Département de LEA.

Changing level If you took an English Option class in Semester 1, you will continue in the same level unless your teacher has recommended you to go up to the next level. If you have been recommended to change class, you will not be allowed to remain in your previous class. This is to ensure you are challenged, motivated and continue to improve your English. You will be given confirmation of your class at registration in Week 1.

‘Level 1 is too difficult’ There is no beginner level. Level 1, Elementary is for students who can understand simple English sentences and frequently used expressions.  

Buy the coursebook! You must buy the coursebook and bring it to class. If you do not have a coursebook in Week 2 of Semester your teacher will not allow you to attend. Photocopies of the coursebook are not allowed.

Study! Generally speaking, to move between one level and the next requires approximately 144 hours of classroom study. Your English Option class is 2 hours a week. To see improvement in your English level, you will need to study, do your homework and listen to and speak English whenever possible.

Final marks will be a combination of a Continuous grade (effort, homework, participation and attendance) and a Final Exam grade.

Your final exam will be held in the last week of Semester 1.

Don’t miss an assessment. If you miss an exam or assessment you won’t be able to re-take it and you will score nil.

‘Will I pass?’ You will do well if you attend regularly, participate in class and study for your final exam.

Your final grade will be calculated as follows:

Attendance (i)
Effort (ii)
Participation (iii)
Final Exam (iv)
Max mark of 4
Max mark of 5
Max mark of 20
Max mark of 20
Max mark of 20

Minus 1 point for every class missed.

If you are more than 15 minutes late for class you will be marked absent.

Includes homework, effort and participation in class.

Attendance mark (i) multiplied by effort mark (ii).

Exam given in final class.

Average of participation (iii) and exam (iv)

Attend class! If you miss 2 or more classes you will be reported to the Département de LEA and you will have to explain your absences.

Please be on time! Arriving late is disruptive to other students. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late you will not be permitted to attend the class and you will be marked absent.

 ‘I was sick’ If you are absent for good reason (e.g. you were sick and have a medical certificate) please contact Nawel Rezig, Département de LEA. Your teacher will mark you absent, however the Département de LEA will keep a record and this will be taken into consideration for your final grade.

Questions??? Please speak to your teacher if you have any questions or issues you would like to discuss.

You can also contact the Département de LEA at

All the best for Semester 1!