This blog is for second year Law and Political Science students in Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi.
In it, you will find a daily update on the class calendar, homework, indoor and outdoor events.
We also advise you to regularly have a look at our timetable on the board located by the Head of Department's office "Ground Floor"

lundi 8 octobre 2012


We are thrilled to announce Sila Connection’s inaugural conference, Sila Abu Dhabi, which is to be held November 23-24, 2012 at New York University Abu Dhabi. A gathering of students from all the major universities in Abu Dhabi will come together to debate prevalent issues within the emirate. This year’s theme is the Environment, focusing on subgroups of Energy, Water and Recycling & Waste.

Sila Abu Dhabi aims to engage students in cross-university collaboration to form micro-teams working on viable grass-roots solutions to this year’s topics. Throughout the conference, professionals will be assisting the students to further develop their initiatives. A jury of various professionals will then assess the student projects and will award the best initiative a grant to implement their project.

Are you one of the select few we are looking for?  Apply through our website:

For any further information, feel free to visit our website or contact us on our email: