This blog is for second year Law and Political Science students in Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi.
In it, you will find a daily update on the class calendar, homework, indoor and outdoor events.
We also advise you to regularly have a look at our timetable on the board located by the Head of Department's office "Ground Floor"

dimanche 23 octobre 2011


1)      You are a group of 2 or 3. All group members should do extensive research on the chosen subject do your research in any language that is easy for you to understand. Always note that it is better to know more than too little. “but remember you are presenting in French” - It will indeed help you if you're initial research is in french, however if you are finding it difficult don't worry; understand it in your language, then read the french sites/books again to know the vocabulary.

2)      Any site you visit copy it down into a word document, save every single site that concerns your research including pictures.  Same goes for books “author, year that it was published in and of course the title”. It is important to have rich references.

3)      After everyone knows the subject, try to analyze it as much as possible, write down a plan; and some bullet points. This will be a modeled plan for your presentation. - DIVIDE THE WORK

4)      In the French system you need to introduce the “problematique” the thesis statement but in the form of a question. "You have to create a good problematique, some of you already have your chosen subject in the form of a question. The reason why the problematique is so important is because you have to answer it. So make sure the question is very clear and understandable, so in few words, your presentation is the answer to your own question. " YOU MUST HAVE A PROBLEMATIQUE.

5)      Write your presentation in a word document 1st before starting the design on PowerPoint.  This will be useful for you and your colleges to further understand how the presentation will look like. Write step by step with your outline. “Note this word document has to be presented to the prof. either printed or Emailed”

6)      When it comes to designing your slides, keep in mind that each slide is ONE MINUTE. So 10-15 minutes needs about 10 to 15 slides, including those extras for “Bibliographie and Webographie”. It’s very personal to write down the plan on a slide, but I do advise it, for your audience to better understand your presentation and what you will talk about. Keep the animation as minimal as possible. Remember you are short on time, you don’t want to stand there clicking away while everyone is fascinated while it is transforming into a 3D Movie. You want your audience to focus on YOU and the information you are saying. Also try to find interesting pictures, illustrations and write simple bullet points, not huge texts. It’s a huge plus if you insert Quotations from someone or from a book that concerns your subject of course.   

7)      Memories your Q , write on small memo cards instead of on a huge A4 papers, and try to read as minimal as possible. I highly advise you and your group to practice the presentation several times in an empty class. Using the actual board seeing how you interact together. Make sure you memories you're lines more than reading them. Trust me the more you practice out loud the more the memorizing comes naturally. Also time yourselves. So you all have a general Idea of how long you're presentation will be.

-          All in all a presentation doesn’t have to be on a PowerPoint, it can be all images, a video, and a text. The whole point is that your Idea is being explained simply and clearly; with an easy flow. When speaking trying to take your time. Avoid long aaaaaeeeeee ooooo … instead stay silent and take your time, swallow and carry on. 

-          If you know someone who speaks fluent French do not hesitate to ask them how to say a word or a phrase, or if you’re lucky enough to have French speaking person in your group make sure you all take same amount of time. So it doesn’t seem like you all are relying on this one person to send out the message. Keep in mind you all are being graded.
-          PS: don’t not copy anything off the web, it will not help you at all. About the small memo cards you can find in most stationeries. 

I hope this will help you. "Good Luck", can’t wait to see all your presentations.