This blog is for second year Law and Political Science students in Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi.
In it, you will find a daily update on the class calendar, homework, indoor and outdoor events.
We also advise you to regularly have a look at our timetable on the board located by the Head of Department's office "Ground Floor"

mardi 6 mars 2012


le match de football des filles s'est super bien passé. nous avons gagné 2 à 1contre les filles NYU. Nous devons féliciter notre numéro de filles 8 et 14!!


pour les photos voir notre twitter

the girls football game went great. we won 2 - 1 against the NYU girls. We have to congratulate our girls number 8 and 14 !!!! 

BRAVO !!! 

for photos view our twitter