This blog is for second year Law and Political Science students in Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi.
In it, you will find a daily update on the class calendar, homework, indoor and outdoor events.
We also advise you to regularly have a look at our timetable on the board located by the Head of Department's office "Ground Floor"

dimanche 25 novembre 2012

Important Announcement

Chers classe,

L'année dernière, quand j'ai décidé d'être délégué, j'ai promis de créer un blog dans l'espoir que notre classe peuvent être réunis.
Je suis tellement heureuse que le blog a été un succès, et pour ceux d'entre vous qui avez montré votre gratitude envers mon travail, je veux juste dire " je vous emprise".

Cependant, je vous écris aujourd'hui, parce que j'ai réalisé que je n'ai pas réussi. Nous ne sommes pas unis. Si un membre de la classe est malheureuse personne ne semble prendre l'initiative d'aider ou de faire quoi que ce soit.
J'ai proposé à envoyé une «lettre d'intérêt» à l'égard du comportement d'un professeur envers notre classe, et tout ce que j'ai en retour était "rien vas changer", et d'écrire une autre lettre à modifier les horairs de conférences tenues obligatoires pour les étudiants en droit d'être à une heure plus convenable, et la réponse à cela était aussi «rien ne changera ou bien cela ne me concerne pas"

Je suis désolé mais si c'est ainsi que la classe voit les choses, alors mon travail en tant que délégué est inutile.
Et pour les raisons mentionnées ci-dessus, je quiet mon poste comme délégué de classe.

Je vous remercie
de votre attention

Dear Class,

Last year when I decided to be delegate, I promised to create a blog in hope that our class can be united.
I am so happy that the Blog has been a success, and for those of you who have shown your gratitude towards my hard work I just want to say "your welcome".

However I write to you today, because I have realized that I have failed you as delegate. We are not united. If one member of class is unhappy no one seems to take the initiative to help, or to do anything about it.
I proposed to sent a "letter of concern" towards the behavior of one our professor towards our class, and all I got in return was "it wont change anything", and to write another letter to change the timings of conferences held mandatory for law students to be at a more suitable hour, and the response to this was also "nothing will change or this doesn't concern me"

I am sorry but if this is how the class sees things, then my job as delegate is useless.
And for the reasons mentioned above,I have decided to quit my post as delegate of class.

Thank you for your attention

Cours Reportés

Chères étudiantes, Chers étudiants,

Je vous remercie de bien vouloir noter que sont reportés :

-          les cours de Plurilinguisme et d’Arabe Niveau 2, du Mardi 27 Novembre de 17h à 19h,

-          tous les cours de langue d’option du Mercredi 28 Novembre, de 17h à 19h.

the Global Issues Network (GIN) Conference @ NYUAD

Chers étudiants,
Permettez-moi d’attirer votre attention sur une initiative qui se tiendra en janvier à NYUAD, et pour laquelle il serait bon que des étudiants de PSUAD participent. Nous invitons en particulier ceux avec des intérêts sur les thèmes de société (technologie, éducation, santé) à s’inscrire et à proposer un projet. La rencontre se tiendra à Abu Dhabi et réunira des étudiants d’universités du monde entier.

This January 25-27, 2013, we at New York University Abu Dhabi will be hosting the Global Issues Network (GIN) Conference - the first of its kind created by university students, for  university students!
Registration is now live at
Initially inspired by former World Bank Vice-President Jean Francois Rischard's novel, "High Noon: 20 Global Problems, 20 Years to Solve Them," international schools around the world began the process of exposing global issues to middle and high school students, calling on them to push forward solutions thereto. Five years after its inception, NYU Abu Dhabi is taking GIN to a new level by inviting motivated university students from all over the world to Abu Dhabi in the booming United Arab Emirates not only to discuss global issues, but to create a feasible and implementable sustainable action plan under one of five issues relevant to the UAE: Energy, Technology, Education, Health, and Waste Management. There are a maximum of six delegates per university, in order to preserve the diversity and standards of the three-day conference. We hope to attract some of the best and the brightest, ready to innovate with a plan that can and will be implemented within a six-month timeframe after the conference. With students from universities such as Université Paris-Sorbonne Abu Dhabi, we will showcase the talent and sheer brainpower that students in the Middle East have to offer the world, and from there the innovation will surely take off. NYU Abu Dhabi hopes to set a precedent through GIN as we establish a conference whose blueprints can be used to inspire other conferences around the world, whether in New York, Shanghai, London, Rio de Janeiro, Manila, or Los Angeles.

For more information please contact
Head of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology
Visit the Department on FACEBOOK
Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi
Reem Island
PO BOX 38044
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates
Dir: +971 (0) 2 6569122
Mob.: +971 (0) 56 7121432
Fax: +971 (0) 2 6501197
Mail :

Cambridge University's Arab Innovation Network Society

Cambridge University's Arab Innovation Network Society is pleased to invite the students and faculty of your institution to the first Arab Innovation Network Annual Conference [AINAC] in Yas Island's Rotana Hotel in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, during the 4-6th December 2012.

Date: 4-6 December 2012
Time: 9:00 - 17:00 daily
Location: Yas Island's Rotana

Student fee (3 day access) =  100 GBP  almost 590 AED  *Special package fees available here
Non-student fee (3 day access) = 150 GBP almost 885 AED
* Day pass tickets available for 50 GBP for each day, almost 300 AED.

Please visit  for further details.
Contact us with your questions on

Please click here to register online.
Find programme attached.

What is AINAC?
The first Arab Innovation Network Annual Conference (AINAC) is a three-day conference, which comprises of a competition, exhibition, and symposium. We invite you to take part in AINAC by submitting a high quality piece of research, or to simply attend this congregation of talented researchers and practitioners.

Keynote speakers (among many other workshop speakers) include:
Professor Salim T.S. Al- Hassani, Chairman of the global 1001inventions
Mr. Riad Kamal, Founder and Executive Chairman of Arabtec Construction and CEO of Arabtec Holding
Mr. Badr Jafar, Managing director of Crescent Group and President of Crescent Petroleum
Mr. Khaled Al Sabawi, Founder and President of MENA Geothermal

*Sponsored by Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority, HSBC, Shell, MDS UAE, Star Services and Siyam Radiators.
*Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Nahyan Al Nahyan.