This blog is for second year Law and Political Science students in Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi.
In it, you will find a daily update on the class calendar, homework, indoor and outdoor events.
We also advise you to regularly have a look at our timetable on the board located by the Head of Department's office "Ground Floor"

mardi 3 avril 2012

Class Photo

Hi guys!

Your délégués are very happy to inform you that we are currently thinking about taking an official picture of our class.

We hope it will wonderful souvenir for you to remember the year we are spent all together.
This picture will be taken by a professional "local - meaning he works in AD" photographer.
Each person well have a copy, apart from the class, no one will be authorized to get it, so it will remain absolutely confidential.

Please feel free to ask Gautier, if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you .. :)

Salut a toutes et a tous !! 

Nous sommes très heureux de vous informer que nous sommes en train d'organiser une photo officielle de notre classe.

Nous espérons que cela constituera un merveilleux souvenir pour que vous puissiez tous vous rappeler de votre 1ere année que nous sommes en train de passer ensemble.
Cette photo sera prise par un professionnel local.
Chaque personne de la classe pourra recevoir avoir une copie.
En dehors de la classe, personne ne sera autorisé à en obtenir une, de sorte que cela restera absolument confidentiel.

Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas a demander de plus amples informations a Gautier.

Merci :)